Friday, August 22, 2014

Life sucks right now...Cancer is back yet again...

I took a break after the last surgery in April just to catch my breath and regroup.  Here is a recap of how things have been going until now...

I talked to Jimmy this morning and he said that his fever was gone and that he was feeling better.  The doctor even said he might come home tomorrow since he was doing so well.  That is terrific news!  I am taking Logan out of school today so he can spend the day with Jimmy.  He only had a half day anyway and he teacher didn't mind to the hospital we go...Jimmy progressed nicely and he went home the next day.  Recovery was relatively easy.  He had pain in his chest and had a tough time learning to take deep breaths.  It took a couple of weeks before he started feeling like his old self again.

Jimmy had his routine scans...a CT scan of his chest and an MRI of his leg, where the original tumor was located.  ALL scans were clear!  We headed into summer happy and healthy.

Jimmy stared feeling pain in his upper left leg.  He had painted the bathroom and thought maybe he had pulled a groin muscle while doing that.  I was concerned because it was the same leg as before.  He went to his primary care doctor and he said he thought it was a groin pull and gave him some ibuprofen.  The pain kept getting worse.  Finally, I called his oncologist and wanted to know if Jimmy could get his scans sooner than the normal 3 month period.  They agreed that he could and scheduled the scans.

Jimmy had the CT scan of his chest and the results found some scar tissue but nothing else that the doctors were concerned with right now.

Jimmy had the MRI of the area where he was having pain...his groin and pelvic area.  We got copies of the scans and took a look ourselves.  We could see something big but we didn't know what it was...could be a groin pull or a tumor.  The doctor called  us on Tuesday, 8.19 to let us know that there was definitely a malignant mass about the size of a baseball.  Our worse fears confirmed yet again.  The doctor said he would confer with the surgeon so we could get a game plan for treatment.  We know there will be radiation and surgery but we won't know how and when until we talk to the surgeon.

It has taken a few days but we got a call from the surgeon this morning and Jimmy has an appointment on Monday to plan for surgery.  I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, I am asking all of you prayer warriors around the world to have at it again...we can use all of the prayers we can get.  This is very depressing and stressful for our family.  We have been lulled into a false sense of security by having clear scans every other time they have been done.  Now, the two year time frame to be cancer free starts all over again.

I am worried about Jimmy.  He has had a wide range of emotions yet again this time around.  He's been in denial...been mad...been sad and even anxious and sick to his stomach.  This is really taking its toll on him.  I am worried about Logan.  He is still a little boy and I can't imagine how he is going to deal with this again.  He says he worried but that he's okay.  I hope so.  As for me, I am both mad and sad at the same time.  I am worried for my family.  Not only are we dealing with cancer once again, we are still dealing with bills from the first go-round, when insurance did not cover anything, to the tune of $490,000 that we are responsible for on our own.  I know people say that God only gives them as much as they can handle.  Well, God, I really need you to slow down with the bad news.  It truly is getting to be too much.

Having said that, I welcome your thoughts and prayers once again.  Please feel free to comment because hearing from you makes it just a little easier to deal with all of this.  The Kulicks Kicking Cancer Facebook page is available for comments as well.  Thanks for all of you who have already reached out...your support means so much.   A donation page has also been set up at to help with the astronomical medical bills.  If you would like to send an email, you can send it to


  1. Susan, words cannot express I feel for you and your family. Please know I hold you thought in my prayers and in my heart. xoxo

  2. Thank you Diane. It really means a lot to have your prayers and support.

  3. Prayers for all of you , Susan, This must be so hard...

  4. I'm so sorry, stay strong, defeat the beast again, praying for your family!

  5. Lots of prayers coming your way. Stay strong Jimmy!
