Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4, 2013 - Round 2 - First Day

Today was a very long day and a nerve wracking day.  We just want all to go smoothly so he can get in the hospital and get chemo started.  Unlike last time when he lost a whole day and didn't get started until Tuesday.

First a doctor's appointment with the oncologist to check blood cell counts to make sure that all was okay to start chemo again.  Good counts came back so all is a go for today.

Next he was off to get his PICC again.  In case I didn't explain this the last time, it is an IV-like line that is put in Jimmy's upper arm with a tube inserted in an artery directly to the heart, so that's the first place the chemo goes.  It is a surgical procedure done with local anesthesia.  This is something he was to have done every time he goes into the hospital since it is removed each time he leaves.

Once that gets done, he's off to his room.  Of course, by the time this happens it is late in the afternoon and chemo doesn't get started until around 4:30 p.m.  This means he won't get finished until around 8:30 p.m. Normally, it gets started at around noon.  When the chemo gets started, Jimmy was getting really nauseous and his stomach hurt.  The nurse gave him something to curb this and it wasn't long before he was feeling better.  Thank goodness.  He did eat a little something and I was happy he was able to do so.

After he settled in to the chemo treatment, I decided to take a couple of pics  of my model patient, including one of the skyline, which was really nice.  We saw a really nice sunset too...something normal and calming.  See the pictures below of my model...LOL.  All-in-all, it was a good start to getting this second treatment over.

Thankfully, a friend had brought dinner over and I was so grateful.  By the time I got home, I was starving and tired.  It was really nice to come home and have dinner waiting.  Thanks...dinner was yummy!
Glad to have Round 2 started

My Model with his prop

The view from the room making it a little easier

1 comment:

  1. jimmy u are beautiful inside and out! may the Lord continue to use this trial for you to grow closer to Him and rely on His everlasting mercy and grace! Love your (kissing,LOL)cousin, Lisa
